3.3.23: The Giant Picnic: Book Club Event: Homage to World Book Day 2023
‘One hot summer in Itching Down, Four million wasps flew into town. What are the villagers going to do about this noisy, nasty nuisance of a swarm? Make a giant jam sandwich - that's what!’
During assembly time on Monday and Tuesday this week, children from Year R to Year 6 were read ‘The Giant…
2.3.23: Core Value Reading Legends: Reflective Reading Legend: World Book Day 2023!
Our third Core Value Reading Legend of the year was Reflective Reading Legend. We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate this Legend than through the medium of one of the – and arguably most – important days in the Primary School calendar…World Book Day 2023.
Seaming together, and…
Over the last few weeks, Bluebell Class have been studying 'Owen and the Soldier' by Lisa Thompson. The main character Owen befriends a stone soldier in his local park and talks to him about his dad who has been lost at war. The class showed excellent empathy with Owen as they listened to the…
This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been 'going quackers' over our Fabulous Fox book donation finally being realised (Outcome of Resourceful Reading Legend: December).
This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been trumping!! (Top Trumps that is....honestly!)
02.02.2023: Pupil Quote
‘I don’t want this book to end!’ (Jake: Year 5)
The power of good-quality fiction…say no more!
30.01.2023: Core Value Reading Legends: Readiness Reading Legend
On your marks, get set…READ!
Our second Core Value Reading Legend, Readiness Reading Legend taught children what readiness around reading looks like, from the moment they wake up in the morning, in preparation for reading, during reading and after reading. For example, understanding home and…
Not 10 books… Not 15 books… but 24 books!
Oliver has read a whopping 24 books since September!
“I really love the Astrosaurs set of books. They are my new, favourite books to read”
Oliver – Bluebell Class
Following a visit to the school library, Oliver has now found 3 more…
Even our youngest children are making comparisons and connections between books they have enjoyed!
“The picture on the back cover of The Tiger Who Came to Tea, is similar to the picture in the story, There’s a Tiger in the Garden.
Darcie – Daffodil…
12.12.22: Core Value Reading Legends: Resourceful Reading Legend
We have kick-started our Core Value Reading Legends with the inaugural one: Resourceful Reading Legend – a themed day (or, Legend!) teaching children what it looks like to be resourceful around reading. Whether that’s reading blurbs; using contents pages; glossaries; your phonic knowledge; a…
7.12.22 The Reader Teacher
Parents, you have to check out this site; it is your ‘go to’ for recommended children’s literature:
We love the Reader Teacher https://www.thereaderteacher.com/ here at Earith Primary School. Not only is this website really user-friendly for our young people to be inspired by great books,…
Capturing Reading Contributions
During class story (Dave’s Cave) in Daffodil class, Paddy was quick-off the-mark to identify – based on his knowledge of the book – that when Dave did eventually find the cave he longed for….it was his own; home sweet home!
Then this: when posed the question…
What a wonderful conversation between two children from Thistle Class on a Friday morning. Both children were comparing two class reading books - both thinking carefully about characters, settings and plots.
The love of reading certainly shone through!