What can my child have for lunch?

All children at Earith have the chance to eat freshly prepared meals cooked in our on-site kitchen. There is a wide selection of meals available on a 3 week menu, including vegetarian meals. There is free access to the salad cart and water is freely available. All meals use locally sourced ingredients. 

All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils in state-funded schools in England are entitled to free school meals.

Meals for pupils in Year 3/4/5/6 are charged at £2.70 per day.

Summer Menu 2024 

Free School Meals are available for all Key Stage 1 students (Reception, Year 1 and 2). There’s no need to apply, however, registering will entitle your child’s school to additional Pupil Premium funding. Even if you are on a lower income and your child is automatically receiving free school meals, the school will not receive Pupil Premium until you make an application online here.

Why choose a school lunch?

  • Pupils who have a hot, nutritionally balanced meal at lunchtime are more likely to have better concentration in the afternoon.
  • Children are given the opportunity to try new and different food.
  • School meals offer convenience for families with busy lifestyles.
  • Eating a school lunch teaches important social skills.
  • A school lunch offers families value for money.

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