Updated: 14/12/2023 260 KB
Updated: 14/12/2023 260 KB
Updated: 14/12/2023 118 KB


Please use the form attached (or request a hard copy from the school office)

The headteacher follows the Cambridgeshire Local Authority guidance (see below) when considering requests.


Children of school-age who are registered at a school must, by law, attend that school regularly. Regular attendance is the best way of ensuring that a child makes the most of the educational opportunities which are available to him or her.

When a child is absent from school, he or she misses not only the teaching provided but is also less prepared for the lessons after his or her return.

In particular, parents should avoid taking their children out of school during term-time in order to go on holiday.

There are only 190 statutory school days in one year and 175 days (weekends and school holidays) available to use for holidays. Therefore every school day counts!

Permission for holidays during term time will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Permission is likely to be refused:

  1. if the reasons given are not 'exceptional'
  2. if the child has already had some absence in the current or preceding term
  3. it is near or during exam or test times
  4. it coincides with the start of the school year
  5. the school believes that it may have a harmful effect on the child’s education

Your rights and responsibilities

If your child is registered at school you must ensure that they attend regularly.

The regulations make it clear that parents do not have any right or entitlement to take a child out of school for the purposes of a term-time holiday.

Should a school not agree to grant leave and the parents take their child on holiday regardless then this will be counted as unauthorised absence - this is the same as 'truancy'.

The school and the Education Welfare Officer may consider issuing a Fixed Penalty Fine of £60 for this period of unauthorised absence, per child, per parent/carer if paid within 21 days, rising to £120, per child, per parent/carer if paid within 28 days.

Should leave be granted but the child remain absent for longer than agreed then this extra time will be recorded as unauthorised absence.

Should a child fail to return to school within 10 school days of the agreed return date and there is no contact from the parents the school may remove the child's name from the school roll.

The Local Authority Education Welfare Officer will be informed.

In these circumstances the parents would be responsible for ensuring that their child was registered at and attended another school (this would mean parents would not be entitled to receive any assistance with transport).