On your marks, get set…READ!

Our second Core Value Reading Legend, Readiness Reading Legend taught children what readiness around reading looks like, from the moment they wake up in the morning, in preparation for reading, during reading and after reading. For example, understanding home and school timetables/routines; being in the right frame of mind to read; tracking the text during reading; checking on others’ reading accuracy; being alert to turn the page; sensing the end of the page, the chapter, or the book amongst many other (in fact, 20!) examples given.

Once we had raised children’s awareness of all the brilliant things they do (many of our children by way of ‘auto-pilot’), it was time for us to ‘up the ante’: pupils demonstrating super readiness for learning through: timed reading fitness circuits; Theatre readiness; genre circuits; speed reading competitions; readiness dictionary skills and readiness treasure hunts… to name but a few!

Children even demonstrated super readiness in our assembly, trying to find Ready Robert who had cunningly hidden himself inside every slide! I wonder if you can spot him in the slides above?

See you again in Spring 2 for our next Core Value Reading Legend.