New Library
New Library Opening 04.03.2034
Thank you for opening our Library today. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was led by Lynsey Holzer, CEO of The Active Learning Trust, who unveiled the space to pupils who were eager to explore the revamped area.
Hall Book Display 4: 06.02.2024
Safer Internet Day 2024: computing-related books on show to encourage reading across the curriculum!
January 2024: Reading with a friend
When you just can't put a book down! What do you do? Share it with your friend.
18.12.23: Video message from Nadia Shireen
Shireen Class is named after author and illustrator Nadia Shireen. We have enjoyed reading several of her books during story times in the autumn term. We contacted Nadia to wish her a Happy Christmas; Nadia very kindly took the time to send a video to the children in response! The children were…
14.12.2023: Christmas Reading & Singing Legend
Reading the lyrics to five popular Christmas songs as part of taught reading sessions in school in Year R – 6.
Then, enter stage left: one very talented parent: professional pianist and music Teacher, Louisa Gard. Louisa plays, we sing. Such fun.
Thank You, Louisa. We loved it! Can’t wait to see…
11.12.23: Book Study
An every-year feature here at school: we celebrate the wonderful literature our pupils study in every class. Come and have a look at the great testimonials underneath from the pupils themselves!
11.12.23: Hall Book Display 3!
Back again with front-of-house, front-facing books to fire the enthusiasm - tinsletastic!
Bedtime Stories
Lovely to hear over these past few weeks how many of our parents have sacrosanct, protected time with their children, snuggling up at night to a good book. A wonderful routine to establish. Again, supporting the love for wider reading – and a good night’s sleep!
Reading Miles
Hard not to feel inspired by children approaching me at the gate or in school with all their extra-curricular reading, research and writing, sparked by their interest of the topics studied this half term. These extra Reading Miles not only spark our pupils’ curiosity and love for curricula, but…
School Council: Books, Books, Books!
Thanks to your children and the role of the school councillors, we now have some top quality feedback about the books children would love to see more of in our library, including author names & genres for fiction books; specific topics of interest for non-fiction, and other useful suggestions for…