Book of the Year 2024: 19th July 2024

Our reading curriculum has been deliberately designed to contain a wide-variety of great (many award-winning) books, spanning genres and themes of interest for all ages – for children in Year R to Year 6 over a two year cycle.  There’s something for everyone!

Now in its second year, what better way to celebrate all the books we’ve studied (in addition to our ‘Book Study’ display – also featured in this blog) than to ask our pupils which one they loved the most and vote in a secret ballot?  

Not only does this show the value we place on such an important aspect of the curriculum, it’s also great feedback for us as teachers in better understanding emerging trends and whether we’ve got the balance just right- tweaking our offer as need be, based on pupil voice.

So without further ado, it gives us great pleasure to announce our children’s favourite Books of the Year for 2024:

Jeffers Class (R/1) – a tie situation!

Shireen Class (1/2)

Riddell Class (3/4)

Gold Class (5/6)

Some absolute gems here, Earith.  Thanks for letting us know.

Our winners will be displayed, alongside the winners from last year on our ‘Book Study’ display in the Hall.

Keep up the appetite, children.  You’re going to love our reading curriculum next year!