New Reception 2024/25
It has been lovely to welcome our new reception children to school. They have had a busy week making new friends, exploring the classroom, starting phonics sessions, subitising in maths, taking part in PE lessons, painting, building, sharing books, engaging in role play, joining the rest of the…
Cricket for all
On Tuesday, all children across the school had their first Chance to Shine cricket lesson. Chance to Shine aims to give children the opportunity to develop physical skills associated with cricket as well as important life skills such as resilience. It was lovely to hear the positive comments…
FOES Best Dressed Summer 2024
Your winners, ladies & gentleman – if you can work out who they are…book voucher courtesy of Book Club for the winners
Hilltop Residential 2024
What a fantastic time all the children had. So many experiences!
Sid the Cygnet’s 4th Birthday Party
With friends from Jeffers…and their friends from home! Happy Birthday, Sid.
National Fish & Chip Day
Celebrating the National Fish & Chip Day.
We had lunch on the field today, lovely!!
Year 6 Enterprise: Bookmark sale.
Year 6 Enterprise: Bookmark sale. Wonderfully creative!
Sports Day 2024
Hope all parents enjoyed Sports Day, just a few clips from today.
Ladybird Boat & Houghton Lock
Ladybird Boat & Houghton Lock (Year R) . Thank You, children. Thank You, staff. Really lovely feedback about the memories you’ve created and even better to hear just how seriously you took your safety – especially by water!
EYFS Outdoor Area: Grand Opening
The official Grand opening of the EYFS Outdoor Area, with Mrs Corby (Active Learning Trust), Earith staff, and of course...20 eager learners! Cut the ribbon and let the fun commence...