Gold Class Trip to Cambridge 13.03.2024
The children asked some interesting and probing questions during our dinosaur activity at The Sedgwick Museum, in Cambridge. The museum's scientist was extremely impressed with the depth of questions. Then, there was the theatre production: the enjoyment and participation of the children was a…
DT Day 12.03.2024
As part of STEM week, the whole school took part in DT Day on Tuesday, learning how the technology of jewellery making has changed over time. It was wonderful to see the children working collaboratively within their Houses to make jewellery using different materials, supporting each other with the…
Book Club Event: Mad Hatter's Tea Party 08.03.2024
What better way to finish the week with some mild eccentricities…
Sweet treats; drama queens; digging in the dirt and other fun & games. Oh…and of course: BOOK CLUB selling the main stars of the show!
New Library Opening
New Library Opening 04.03.2034
Thank you for opening our Library today. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was led by Lynsey Holzer, CEO of The Active Learning Trust, who unveiled the space to pupils who were eager to explore the revamped area.
20.12.2023: Christmas Dinner and Crackers
Just look at these Christmas Crackers!
14.12.2023: Christmas Reading & Singing Legend
Reading the lyrics to five popular Christmas songs as part of taught reading sessions in school in Year R – 6.
Then, enter stage left: one very talented parent: professional pianist and music Teacher, Louisa Gard. Louisa plays, we sing. Such fun.
Thank You, Louisa. We loved it! Can’t wait to…
Spooky Legend 31.10.2023
Whole-School reading Funnybones and creepy reading and writing-themed English lessons - spooktacular! Pumpkin courtesy of Gardening Club!
Sponsored Dance 09.10.2023
Thank you to Tracey from Cambs Fit for, once again, putting our children through their paces, during the non-stop danceathon on Monday. A great way of keeping fit and raising a few pennies for the school. Thank You, on behalf of FOES, to any children and families who were able to support the…
Visitor to School 02.10.2023
Visitor, Mr Orchard showcasing his passion: scuba diving and learning to become an instructor! A message of resilience & how a small disability wouldn't get in his way!