RE with Antony Class
Antony Class have been learning about different celebrations. We explored some of the ways Diwali is celebrated, made diyas using playdough, and worked together to create a rangoli pattern outside our classroom door.
Music with Larwood Class
In Autumn 2, children in Larwood Class learned how musical instruments can represent natural sounds. Inspired by mountains, children used percussion instruments to create the sense of a stormy ascent.
Geography with Larwood Class
In Larwood Class this week, we have been looking at old maps, reports and aerial photographs to observe how Earith has changed over time. It has been incredible to see how much the village has grown, and nice to link the name of our school houses to the Geography curriculum.
Art with Larwood Class
In Art this half-term, we have been looking at how light and shadow can be used to create drama and depth in our artwork. Here, the children have been practising using acrylic paint to layer tones of colour, showing how light hits our still life subjects.
RE with Larwood Class
As part of our studies of Jewish traditions, children learned about the festivals of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Children discovered how Jewish people celebrate these holidays, and even sampled some Challah bread (thank you Mrs Watson!)
Maths with Larwood Class
Children in Larwood have been using knowledge of bridging 100 and 1000 to work out the heights of their classmates using only a meter stick. Some where able to convert their results between cm, m and mm!
DT with Antony Class
In DT we baked our own bread rolls. We mixed the ingredients, kneaded the dough and shaped it into rolls. After leaving them to prove, we baked the rolls and then finally got to taste them.
Writing in Larwood
In English, Larwood Class have been practising persuasive techniques. Children used tools such as exaggeration and emotive language as they entered the 'Dragon's Den'.
History in Larwood
In History, Larwood Class have been learning about the Ancient Greeks. We have practised Athenian democracy, discovered the events of the Battle of Thermopylae, and learned about philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato and Socrates.
Maths with Antony
In maths this week we have been exploring the different ways the number block four can be arranged. We used large squares, multilink and stickers, as well as the large blocks.
New Laptops Have Arrived
A few technical teething issues we’re hoping to resolve soon, but really pleased with how respectful and patient our children have been with our new tech!
ICT Suite Opening
ICT Suite grand opening was on Monday. Ribbon cut, courtesy of Ava. Also in attendance: Humphrey, Archie, Mrs Wardell, Mr Mudge (FOES), Mr Low (Director of Education: Active Learning Trust & Mr Crossley (Estates Manager: Active Learning Trust). Thank You once again: a grand representation of…