Image of 16.10.20
16 October 2020


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been accompanying Banksy and the Premier Sports Coach in PE...

...and feeling lucky during World Maths Day

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Image of 09.10.20
9 October 2020


This week Sid has been supervising the laying of tarmac...

...checking up on the donations for the St Ives Food Bank...

...and then a spot of lunch with the girls.

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Image of 02.10.20
2 October 2020


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been monitoring the Dojo points at lunchtime...

...and navigating his way through the new school website; admiring his own reflection!

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Image of 25.09.20
25 September 2020


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been getting to grips with his High Frequency Words....

...loving the new Subject Portfolios...

...visiting Max's Bedroom ....

and taking part in The Macmillan Mile! 

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Image of 18.09.20
18 September 2020


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been acknowledging the cordoned-off area...

...only drinking bottled water...

...enjoying the outdoor space in Picasso...


...and Banksy Class's Beautiful Banksy Bench!

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Image of 11.09.20
11 September 2020


This week, Sid has mostly been learning not to cross 'bubbles' in the dinner hall... to play safely on the new trim trail...

...and Quad area...

...and is now feeling awfully tyred!  

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Image of 17.07.20
17 July 2020


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been learning about the School Behaviour Code...

...quality assuring the Year 6's Gardening Work...

...and feeling 'on top of the world!'

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Image of 10.07.20
10 July 2020


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been longing for the sun - from his multi-coloured vantage point...

...and enjoying books from the new 'Literacy Tree' section in the school library! See if you can spot him! 

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