27 September 2024


This week, Sid the Cygnet simply wants to say thank you. 

Thank You to all our wonderful farmers in the East. 

Thank You to the parents for their generous donations for St Ives Food bank this Harvest time.

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20 September 2024

New ICT suite

This week, Sid the Cygnet's been feeling suite!!  (Brand new. It's here!)

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13 September 2024

Turkey Time

This Summer, Sid the Cygnet enjoyed his trip to Turkey with Mrs Watson.  Back in school, Sid was keen to solve the clues in the Cuboid of Curiosity... (Roald Dahl Day 2024)

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19 July 2024


This week, Sid the Cygnet said goodbye... (Pool Party for Leavers)

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12 July 2024


This week, Sid the Cygnet found out that we were 44th (out of 208 schools) in Cambridgeshire - for attendance so far in- year

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5 July 2024


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been celebrating his 4th Birthday by travelling with Matthew on the sponsored walk...

...then looking at all the beautiful Birthday cards from the children.

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28 June 2024


This week, Sid the Cygnet mostly celebrated getting the pool open for Day 1...

...shortly after, he fell in!

...Luckily, Sid knew how to perform self safe-rescue and was surrounded by his friends, who were also competent swimmers and could help Sid out...

....Feathers ruffled,…

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21 June 2024


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been celebrating the efforts of everybody!  (Jeffers Team Collage: George & The Dragon)

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14 June 2024


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been enjoying the move-around in EYFS!

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7 June 2024


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been released...back to the wild, with Gold Class (Golden Relocation Day)...

... and having a picnic! National Fish & Chip day!

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24 May 2024


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been a 'smooth operator' (smoothie making with Caterlink during Healthy Week)...

...and congratulating the Year 6s and 2s (End of Sats)


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17 May 2024


This week, Sid the Cygnet has been enjoying the new-look Curriculum Champions board...

...and pondering: which books will the children vote in as Book of the Year 2024...so many to choose from!

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