Image of 17.09.2021
17 September 2021


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been thanking Asda &  FOES for our new Forza goals…

…and seeing who won his award last week on our new celebratory display.

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Image of  10.09.2021
10 September 2021


This week, Sid the Cygnet – following his return to school – has learnt the importance of a Growth Mindset (especially in September)…

…and has introduced himself to some of our other Cygnets!! 

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Image of 21.07.2021
21 July 2021


This week, Sid the Cygnet has been saying his fond farewells to our incredible Year 6s...

...and the equally, unforgettable, Mrs Hobley, Mrs Barber, Mr Newman & Miss Sharp.

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Image of 09.07.2021
9 July 2021


 This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been celebrating his 1st Birthday!

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Image of 02.07.2021
2 July 2021


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been enjoying the serene sounds of the Freechimes!

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Image of 18.06.2021
18 June 2021


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been appreciating Indian Dance and culture for whole school Bollywood Day!

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Image of 11.06.21
11 June 2021


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been prepping up, ready for the reopening of the school 'pond'...

...enjoying nature's beauty whilst waiting for harvest...

...and learning the Earith Primary School song - happy with his cameo role!

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Image of 28.05.21
28 May 2021


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been enjoying the sunshine ..and his ice pop, with the children - courtesy of FOES.

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Image of 21.05.21
21 May 2021


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been researching Muntjac deer for two reasons - one: to learn a little more about our recent visitor and two: to establish whether he needs to be worried....

....and reading for pleasure with some of our new subject-specific, beautiful books.

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Image of 14.05.21
14 May 2021


This week, Sid the Cygnet  'fledged the nest' and has mostly been playing 'Earithopoly' in the village!

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Image of 07.05.21
7 May 2021


This week, Sid the Cygnet has mostly been 'harping on' about this beautiful donation to our school.

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Image of 30.04.21
30 April 2021


This week, Sid the Cygnet setup a little surprise for Mrs Rudwick's birthday...

...then felt proud of all the pupils' responsibilities in school.

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