Daffodil Class practising straight and star shapes in Gymnastics.
Bluebell Class learnt to dribble, pass and catch a basketball. They then worked in groups, taking turns to try and intercept the ball.
Bluebell Class have been developing their racket skills in our PE lessons this half term. They enjoyed applying these skills within a net game in the final lesson.
Dahlia Class have been developing their netball skills by using correct footwork, accurate passing, and correct team positions.
Thistle class learning how to safely land when jumping, and perform tuck, star and pencil jumps from apparatus.
Bluebell Class have been working in pairs to practise hitting a ball back and forth. We have been aiming to show good control in each rally.
Swimming in the Hall: Fenland learning key lifesaving skills during a pool closure morning! Didn't stop the pupils from 'jumping right in' to their learning!
Year 4, 5 & 6 Football Match against (mostly) Year 6s at St Helens! We may have lost, but we loved the challenge and gave it our all - even the long walk there and back in the sun!
The school swimming pool opened early this year. Children learning to swim with our expert swimming coach - Mrs Deili.
The children in Bandy class thoroughly enjoyed their Gymnastics lessons. They thought carefully about different ways to use their bodies to make ‘tall’ and ‘ball’ shapes and also ways that they could travel around the hall whilst making these shapes. Once they were confident with working on the floor and mats, we used the apparatus to put together some sequences incorporating all of this together. The children worked very hard and had some excellent ideas.
In gymnastics Cygnet class have been working on balances. We have been practising holding a straight, star and tuck shape. We then put a short sequence together using these balances.