DT with Larwood 14.11.2024
We have been cooking this week, following a recipe in DT to create a delicious apple crumble!
This week, Sid the Cygnet prepared Pudsey…
…for a penny, or two!
Maths with Larwood
In Maths, Larwood Class have been learning about estimation. Using our knowledge of place value and order, we have been estimating the position of numbers on a number line - then reasoning with measurement as we applied our knowledge to meters and centimeters.
PSHE with Rauf Class
The theme for this year's anti-bullying week was 'Choose Respect'. Rauf Class spent time discussing what respect looks like, whether at school, in the community or at home. We also discussed the effects of bullying and how we can all 'Choose Respect'.
Understanding The World in EYFS
Bonfire Night and why it is celebrated. We made our own firework pictures and even built a bonfire in the outside area.
RE with Antony Class
Antony Class have been learning about different celebrations. We explored some of the ways Diwali is celebrated, made diyas using playdough, and worked together to create a rangoli pattern outside our classroom door.
Music with Larwood Class
In Autumn 2, children in Larwood Class learned how musical instruments can represent natural sounds. Inspired by mountains, children used percussion instruments to create the sense of a stormy ascent.
This week, Sid the Cygnet remembered...
...and supported our Head Pupils to sell poppies, too!
Geography with Larwood Class
In Larwood Class this week, we have been looking at old maps, reports and aerial photographs to observe how Earith has changed over time. It has been incredible to see how much the village has grown, and nice to link the name of our school houses to the Geography curriculum.
Art with Larwood Class
In Art this half-term, we have been looking at how light and shadow can be used to create drama and depth in our artwork. Here, the children have been practising using acrylic paint to layer tones of colour, showing how light hits our still life subjects.
25.10.24: Hall Book Display 7: Halloween
A creepy collection of literature to wet the appetites of our ghastly mob!
This week, Sid The Cygnet had a fright – lucky he was surrounded by some great books to take the edge off it!