Our fifth and final Core Value Reading Legend of the year was Responsible Reading Legend.

But what does responsibility around reading actually look like?  We considered:

  • Respect for our library and for others’ reading time
  • The proper way to stock books e.g. spines out, by subject/author
  • Respecting differing views and opinions based on our readings & learnings
  • Meta-cognition – children being aware of what they need to learn or do, and how reading could support this
  • Supporting others: peer-to-peer reading
  • Choosing books that are ‘just right’

As with all our Legends, there were plenty of fun learning tasks centred around being responsible readers, including children engaging with peer-to-peer reading, engaging with our website, not to mention, our SECRET BALLOT…of all the books children have studied as part of the reading curriculum this year in school, which ones will be voted the PUPILS’ BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023…all will be revealed in our End of Year Celebratory Assembly…

Here they are: 

Three books in Thistle with equal votes, and two in Daffodil with an equal number of votes.

Lovely to see our children so passionate about the books they’ve studied and enjoying the opportunity to vote.  Get ready for a smashing set of books to get your teeth into next year, children!